Stain removal services and so much more!
Local Rug Stain Removal In Van Nuys

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cleaned today!

Steam and dry cleaning services available

Local Rug Stain Removal In Van Nuys


Van Nuys


Lane Anthony

Service Request:

Mr. Anthony called us in to remove several unsightly stains from the large rug in his lounge.

Our Solution:

Although Mr. Anthony took good care of his rug and cleaned it regularly, he couldn’t get rid of all the stains. The beautiful rug had picked up some ugly stains in the many years he’d owned it, and he asked us to get rid of them. Our first step was to apply our low-impact eco-friendly rug cleaning sprays. These work quickly to loosen up oils and grease and help us lift out stubborn stains. After this, we scrubbed the rug gently, then used steam cleaning to totally break down the last of the marks. Eventually, we were able to remove all traces of staining from this beautiful area rug.

Contact Carpet Cleaning Van Nuys, CA | 818-661-1643 | Fast Response

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When you hire our professional cleaners - your satisfaction is guaranteed! Our company provides only safe, pet friendly, and highly professional cleaning services and solutions.

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Select Date and time
Feb 22, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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